If investigators find enough evidence, Roberts could be charged with assault and adultery, which is a crime under military law. 如果证据确凿,罗伯茨可能被控攻击和通奸。依据军法,这已构成犯罪。
International Society of Penal Military Law and Law of War 刑事诉讼法(法典)国际军事刑法和战争法学会
The soldiers faced charges under military law. 这些士兵面临着军法指控。
She had committed no offence under military law. 根据军事法她没有罪。
There is also a plethora of highly specialised courses on subjects from military law to indigenous peoples 'law and policy. 还有许多高度专业化的课程,涉及科目从军事法到土著居民的相关法律政策不等。
Since the military law also barred stealing, the new soldier set a firm resolution not to steal under any circumstance. 因为在军法中,也同样规定禁止偷取别人的东西,所以这位新兵下定决心,无论如何不去犯偷盗。
Sticking to "Two Hundred Guidelines" to Constantly Advance Military Law Research 坚持双百方针不断繁荣军事法学研究
From studying the economy nature of law, the formation of battle and function mechanism of military law, economy interests is inner cause of launching war, also is basic factor to restrict military law. 从战争的经济本质和战争法的形成、争法的作用机制上看,经济利益是一个国家发动战争的内驱力,也是制约战争法的根本因素。
On the Relationship Between the "Anti-Secession Law" and Military Law 试论《反分裂国家法》与军事法的关系
Dereliction of ROE or military law will result in court marshal proceeded by immediate suspension. 裁判团或军事法将会即刻将裁定结果给法院法官。
Military law expert Cully Stimson of the Heritage Foundation says the process could take a long time. 军事法专家、传统基金会的克里。史汀生认为,这个过程可能需要很长时间。
A military or naval court of officers appointed by a commander to try persons for offenses under military law. 军事法庭由指挥官指定的官员组成的军事或海军法庭以对违反军事法的人进行审判。
The contents of the military law, the law of war and armed conflicts, etc., have been included in the legal courses at military colleges and schools, and the training programs of the armed forces. 军事法、战争与武装冲突法等内容已经纳入军事院校的法律课程,并列入部队的训练大纲。高级的有军事学院,政治学院,后勤学院。
The value of military law consists of the internal value, external value and formalistic value of military law. 军事法价值是军事法的内在价值、外显价值和形式价值的有机统一。
Great achievements made in the military law of our country have made the scientific construction of the military law system have a massive base. 我国军事法制建设所取得的巨大成就,为军事法体系的科学建设奠定了坚实的基础。
Military law safeguards military ethics and promote its development; 军事法对军事伦理道德起着保护的作用,并促进其发展;
A Research on the Concepts of Military Law 军事法与军事法学的概念研究
On the Establishment and Perfection of Military Law System in Our Country 关于我国军事法体系的建立和完善问题
The military reality influenced by war is the social foundation of military law, in the comparison of different social background, the value choice of military law incarnates intense political interests. 由战争影响的军事现实是军事法的社会基础,在不同社会背景的比较中,军事法的价值选择体现了极强的政治功利。
Fore-disquisition on the Military Law System In Our Country 军事法体系的前瞻性研究
In the view of political realism, threat of war exists all along. Being an important part of military system, military law must take war preparation and winning as the first essentials. 在政治现实视野中,战争威胁始终存在,军事法作为军事制度的重要组成必须以战争准备和战争胜利为第一要义。
Chinese Military Law's Tradition and Modern Transformation 中国军事法的传统与近代转型
First, the comprehensive military law system, an inseparable part of which is the military procedure law, is a prerequisite for the army legal system construction. 首先,完善的军事法体系是军队法制建设的前提,军事程序法则是构成这一体系不可或缺的组成部分。
Meaning of the Concept of Military Law System in Our Country 我国军事法制概念的含义
The Relationship of Military Law and Military Ethics 军事法与军事伦理关系初探
All of these need the military law to offer immediate and efficient service. 这些都要求军事法学为其提供及时、有效的服务。
Military law science belongs to a branch of law science and should study with the study law and category of law science. 军事法学属于法学的一个分支学科,应遵循法学的研究规律和研究范式。
On the Value of Military Law 军事法价值研究
The first chapter of this article dissertate the basic principle of military law. 本文第一章概括论述了军事法基本原则。
In the traditional war it has affected and changed all kinds of social relationships, which need to be adjusted and reformed for the military law ( ML). 该类战争影响和改变了传统战争领域内的各种社会关系,需要传统军事法做出相应的调整和改革。